Benefits of Working with WCHS
The Wood County Humane Society offers a compassionate, caring environment, in addition, the "Purrks" of working for the Wood County Humane Society include:
Competitive Salaries
Upon eligibility, we offer vacation and sick time for both full and part time staff
Full-time employees are eligible for paid holidays
Professional development opportunities
No charge adoptions (contingencies apply)
A "Pets at Work" policy (contingencies apply)
Limited medical care and supplies for your pets at discounted rates (contingencies apply)
The potential for additonal paid and unpaid leaves

Employment Opportunities
To apply for currently available positions, please send a cover letter, a resume', and the contact information for
three professional references to: or to:
Director of Shelter Operations
801 Van Camp Rd
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Job postings can also be viewed and applied for through this link: job postings.
Interviews will be conducted on open positions until they are filled.